To develop methods of improving the image of narcotic law enforcement as a viable career choice among members of the minority community, and to assist such law enforcement agencies in the recruitment of minority persons as employee.
NABNA focuses on two categories: Communities and Law Enforcement Careers.
- To develop a relationship within the minority community for the recruitment of minorities for federal, state, and local law enforcement positions
- To strive to develop methods of improving the image of narcotic law enforcement as a viable career choice among members of the minority community, and to assist such law enforcement agencies in the recruitment of minority persons as employees
- To award college scholarships in the fields of law enforcement
- To serve as mentors to disadvantaged youth
- To assist where possible, officials at all levels who are responsible for the implementation of equal employment opportunity policies within the DEA and other narcotic law enforcement agencies, and to ensure equal employment opportunities for all minority employees engaged in narcotic law enforcement
- To develop and provide educational programs designed to increase the proficiency and effectiveness of minorities engaged in narcotic law enforcement (i.e.; employees of DEA and other law enforcement agencies.)
- To identify and address issues relevant to Black Agents and other minority persons engaged in narcotic law enforcement (i.e.; employees of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) or employees within State and Local government organizations
- To regularly disseminate and communicate information of interest to its members, as well as to provide other services and assistance to its members
- To bring together in a spirit of friendship, good-will and camaraderie, minority persons and others presently or previously engaged in narcotic law enforcement
On July 8, 1978, a concerned group of Black DEA Special Agents met for the purpose of establishing a professional law enforcement organization comprised of Black Special Agents assigned to various DEA Regional Offices throughout the world….
As previously mentioned by the immediate past president of NABNA (Karen D. Dorough –Adams) our everyday lives have been changed in ways like we have never experienced before, the safety and well-being of our family and community is a top priority with the leadership of NABNA. As our nation, and others throughout the world, continues to battle the health needs of those inflicted with the coronavirus (COVID-19), we have repositioned ourselves to remain laser-focused on protecting and preserving our families while continually to meeting the critical needs of this Nation.
Read Full Message
Dear NABNA Members and supporters:
As previously mentioned by the immediate past president of NABNA (Karen D. Dorough –Adams) our everyday lives have been changed in ways like we have never experienced before, the safety and well-being of our family and community is a top priority with the leadership of NABNA. As our nation, and others throughout the world, continues to battle the health needs of those inflicted with the coronavirus (COVID-19), we have repositioned ourselves to remain laser-focused on protecting and preserving our families while continually to meeting the critical needs of this Nation.
As the new president of NABNA, I will continue to lead with safety and health in mind as we transition to public gatherings and continue down the path of the “new normal”. In doing so NABNA has decided to reassemble for the purpose of holding its annual conference.
I ask that we all do our individual part in making sure we take health and safety protocols seriously so collectively we can reap the benefits including the hierarchy of needs public assembly provides.
I am immensely grateful for the ongoing support of present NABNA members and supporters. I am optimistic about the new membership and direction of NABNA. The collective effort of active leadership and participation, has been essential in the stability and continued growth of NABNA during difficult times. NABNA leadership has continued to adjust, communicate and succeed using current means of technology. Adaptation will remain one of our core principles, for we know the one constant in life is change. We will keep an open hand extended for every government series and organization that aligns with our ideals and goals.
The NABNA Executive Board and I would also like to extend our gratitude to all of those that risk everything (and their families) when serving and protecting our neighborhoods and country. We understand the high standard and expectations you carry and are judged by daily. We realize mental health is as vital as your physical fitness. Please take the time for self-care and as always; stay vigilant!
Live long and prosper,
Jason Bradford – NABNA President

Jason Bradford
President, NABNA

Every year NABNA facilitates various scholarships, coordinates fund raising events and produces its annual training conference. None of these things would be possible without the support of the National Executive Board. The Executive Board is as follows:
Jason Bradford
Ikechi N. Chuku
Elisabeth Brown
Aprile Whitesell